Friday, May 11, 2012

Republican circle of protection for the poor is a death panel

For months, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has been calling for a "circle of protection" for the poor, sick, aged, and disabled in the federal budget. And they have been repeatedly ignored. Well, actually, House budget chair Paul Ryan has all but given them a middle finger salute.

Monsters are nothing if not audacious and vicious. Last year, Ryan and his budget plans were criticized as not in keeping with Catholic social teachings as he called for deep cuts to the social safety net while protecting tax cuts for the rich and subsidies for the most profitable corporations. This year, Ryan decided to double down on taking from the poor to pamper the rich by claiming it was guided by Catholic teachings. When that sparked a flurry of letters from the USCCB, Ryan dismissed their authority. And despite 5 letters to Ryan and company over the past two months, the budgetary bills put forth by Ryan's committee and passed by House Republicans can only be described as morally bankrupt. Instead of letting the poor eat cake, Ryan wants them to eat dust.
If this bill were enacted, estimates suggest that nearly two million Americans would lose food stamps and 44 million others would find them reduced. The bill would eliminate a program that allows disabled older people to live at home and out of institutions. It cuts money that helps low-income families buy health insurance. At the same time, the House bill actually adds more than $8 billion to the Pentagon budget.
All the pro-life, family values rhetoric coming out of these people is nothing but a lie. Half of all Americans live below the poverty line or within spitting distance above it. These budget initiatives will cause tens of millions to suffer or even die from hunger, homelessness, lack of heat or air conditioning, or disease. It will shackle more with fewer and fewer opportunities to escape poverty. All the while, it creates the largest military budget in human history. Here is a timely reminder from Ezekiel 16:49.
"Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy."
At least we know who the real Sodomites are.

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