Saturday, August 4, 2012

A man stood up and pleaded for help

It was a typical Sunday worship service. We sang, listened, prayed, and shared communion together. However, something strange happened during the public call for prayer requests. A man stood up in the back of the church. A stranger. 

The man began his story by saying that he had just been released from prison and was trying to put his life in order. He admitted that substance abuse and theft to support his habits had gotten him into trouble. During his most recent incarceration, he decided to change his life. He became a Christian, worked hard to free himself from addiction, and was released on parole early for good behavior.

"What I need most is a job. No one seems to want to hire me and I am desperate. I done some bad things, but I want to put that behind me. Just I am not sure what to do now. Please, I will do anything. It does not matter what." 

As I listened to his request, my heart sank. There are very few small business owners in the congregation and none that I knew of that were looking to hire. As desperate as this man was for help, I was doubtful that anyone in the audience was in a position to give him what he needed most. 

I was planning to at least introduce myself and tell him I much I appreciated his courage in sharing his story. Unfortunately, before I could reach him, I was trapped in the aisle greeting friends in the congregation. As I scanned the back of the church, he was nowhere to be seen. He was also not in the fellowship hall. He was simply gone. 

That was weeks ago, but I cannot get the man out of my mind. I felt as powerless to help him as he did to help himself. There have always been folks at the margins of our society, but their numbers are growing and many are determined to eliminate what little government safety net exists for them. Yet, our congregation and many others as well lack the resources to pick up the slack. 

The fact that this man still haunts my thoughts is a pretty good indication that I was meant to be touched by his circumstances. As much as I hear the Lord urging me to do something to help, the unanswered question is what. His face and story will no doubt continue to haunt me until I can answer that question.

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